what are the signs of video game addiction

What are The Signs of Video Game Addiction?

Video games are good for entertainment and can positively impact your life as they can lead to cognition growth and creativity when played within a certain limit. However, video gaming can lead to addiction if not played in moderation.

How can video games lead to addiction? We all presume that alcohol and other drugs are the ones that can cause addiction forgetting about the harm brought about by video gaming. Provided they are fun and harmless, they may lead to severe disruption to your health without you noticing it.

According to research, the global prevalence of gaming disorder grew by 3.05% in 2019, and in the US, gamers spend an average of 7.71 hours playing video games.

Sometimes you can be addicted to video games without noticing it. How can you tell that you are addicted to video gaming? For more on signs on video gaming, keep reading.

9 Signs That You are Addicted to Video Gaming

1. When You Think About Gaming

Source: Pexels

When you become addicted to video games, you’ll find yourself thinking more of your competitors and the tactics you will employ to win than your family, friends, or even the activities and work you need to do.

Sometimes you may be moody and depressed because you cannot win over your opponent despite the other major events in your life. It is a great sign that video gaming has led you to addiction.

2. When You Spend  Money on Gaming

Source: Pexels

You’ve exhausted all the supporting tools in your video gaming, and the only option to continue playing is to use the money to purchase the coins or bricks (whatever name they call it in your game). 

When you spend money on video games other than your bills, this is a sign that you are already under the influence of video gaming.

3. When You Become Aggressive to Those Who Interfere With Your Gaming

Another sign to prove that you are addicted to video games is when you become aggressive with those who make you lose the game. It can be in the form of verbal assault, physical violence, or going silent on them. 

It is a sign that you’re under the influence of video gaming. If you feel like you may end up in addiction in the future due to video gaming, try and talk to somebody to see if you can resolve the problem.

4. When You Ignore Your Family and Friends to Play Video Games

Securing yourself from your family members and friends for a tranquil place to concentrate on your video game is another sign that you’re becoming addicted to the game.

We sometimes have friendships that fade, but if you are addicted to gaming, you’ll have no friends apart from those you meet online playing the same game. In this case, you’ll realize that video gaming is disrupting your family relationships and social life, which is dangerous.

5. When You are Unable to Reduce or Control Video Game Playing Rate

Another sign that you are addicted to video gaming is when you take more time playing the game and feel the urge to continue with it even when it’s late at night or when you need to do some other chores and cannot put the video game aside. 

It is a great challenge and a sign that you are already addicted to video games. 

6. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Source: Pixabay

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the meridian nerve when bones and ligaments compress it on the palm side of the hand. 

Due to the repetitive motion of the hand when you spend more time on the computer, the bones and ligaments may insert pressure on the carpal tunnel, thus reducing blood flow. 

It may result in numbness and tingling of the hand, fingers, and wrist. When you experience this, it is a sign you are addicted to video gaming.

7. You Feel High (Euphoria) When Playing the Video Game.

When you are delighted playing a video game, winning against your opponent, and being over joyous in extreme circumstances, it is another sign that you are ending in addiction.

It feels nice, but the fact is that you are losing self-awareness where you cannot differentiate situations. It is another sign that you are already addicted to video gaming. 

8. Playing Video games to Escape Problems.

Playing video games to relax your mind from a hard and stressful day is right but using video games as an emotional crutch to escape a problem is unacceptable.

The good way to go about it is to try something else to help you relieve stress and even provide a solution to your problem and put away video games for a while.

9. Performing Poorly in Education and The Workplace Due to Video Gaming.

Like any hobby, if video gaming is not done in moderation, it may affect your performance in school or your workplace. 

You will be more focused on learning new ideas for playing instead of focusing on how to improve your life. You may fail to complete your assignment or tasks at your workplace due to gaming. It is another sign that you’ve been addicted to gaming.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is Video Game Addiction a Real Thing?

According to the World Health Organization, video game addiction is real as it will soon be classified under the International Classification of Diseases( ICD-11)

2. How Many Hours are Considered Video Game Addiction?

Taking more than 10 hours a day playing video games can be considered an addiction.

3. Is Game Addiction a Mental Disorder?

Game addiction is an impulse control disorder, not a mental problem because it requires cognitive skills and sharp reflexes.

4. How Many Hours of Gaming in a Day is Healthy

According to a study, spending 4hours a day playing videos is beneficial to your health.

5. How Do You Help Someone With Video Game Addiction?

Like any other addiction, video gaming addiction deserves professional evaluation and treatment because the victim suffers from withdrawal symptoms and anxiety. 

You should consult a certified counselor who is well versed in addiction for help.   

Final Word

Video games are a source of entertainment and can help you relax and create new connections and bonds with friends. Engaging continually with video games can result in addiction.

 If you realize the signs and symptoms early, you can get treatment to prevent many casualties that may be brought about by video gaming addiction.

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