What Is the Best Treatment System for Addiction?

What Is the Best Treatment System for Addiction?

When you first think about recovery, the first question that comes to your mind is, “what is the best treatment system for addiction?”

Well, there are several treatment systems, but first, admitting that you have a problem with addiction is the hardest step in recovery.

Substance misuse causes disorder in your brain and leads it to search for justifications to continue using.

If you aren’t ready to ask for help from friends or family, consider speaking with a therapist, physician, or treatment center.

Here Are the Best Treatment Systems for Addiction

A man holding a cigarette in his hand and blowing out smoke from his mouth


1. Detoxification

Normally, detoxification appears first in therapy plans. In short, a “cleansing process” to eliminate drugs from the body and minimize the withdrawal symptoms.

Someone who depends on several substances will often need medication to reduce the withdrawal symptoms from each.

The NSS-2 Bridge is an electronic gadget made accessible in 2017 to lessen opiate withdrawal.

2. Behavioral and Counseling Therapies as Treatment Systems for Addiction

After detoxification, there is a focus on behavior which calls for a therapy approach. Given the person’s requirements, therapy may be provided in a group, a family, or an individual setting.

The first treatment phase is typically full of energy, with the weekly sessions decreasing with a gradual reduction in symptoms.

Many types of therapy include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral treatment aids individuals in identifying and altering thought patterns linked to substance abuse.
  • Multidimensional family therapy aims to enhance family functioning in the presence of a teen or teenager with a substance use disorder.
  • Motivational interviewing increases a person’s willingness to alter their behavior and change.
  • Motivating rewards that promote abstinence through gratifying rewards

In addition to enhancing life skills and assisting other therapies, counseling for addiction attempts to assist clients in changing their attitudes and actions around substance use.

On top of addressing the behaviors typical of addiction, several treatments for addictive illnesses also address the disorder’s underlying causes.

3. Self-Help Groups

A group of people in a therapy session as a system treatment for addiction


These groups could enable the recovered person to connect with others who share their addiction. Group session frequently increases motivation and lessens feelings of loneliness.

They may be an excellent resource for community, education, and information. Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) are two examples.

If someone is struggling with another type of addiction, they can research local self-help groups online or ask their nurse or doctor for recommendations.

4. Rehabilitation Programs

Programs for addictive and substance-related disorders that are longer-term can be pretty successful. They usually have a strong emphasis on maintaining drug-free status as well as continuing function within family, social, and career duties.

Residential facilities that are fully licensed are available to set up a 24-hour care program, give a secure living space, and provide any required medical interventions or help.

5. Programs for Substance Addiction Therapy

A mixture of individual and group therapy sessions is frequently used in addiction treatment to reduce substance abuse.

These sessions are geared toward teaching people in recovery the abilities required to become and stay sober and how to deal with various situations without using drugs or alcohol.

The most popular form of addiction treatment routinely employed throughout drug rehabilitation is behavioral therapy.

Numerous efficient strategies have been developed from a general behavioral treatment approach. They consist of the following:

Contingency Management (CM)

CM helps reinforce or encourage sobriety and may be beneficial in treating various substance use disorders, including those caused by stimulants, marijuana, alcohol, and opioids.

This treatment for drug addiction approach uses material incentives to encourage desired actions, such as upholding sobriety.

A significant advantage of CM is that it may decrease the two most significant treatment-related problems: relapse and dropping out.

Motivational Interviewing (MI)

This treatment technique helps recovering addicts overcome their ambivalence to embrace their recovery efforts and most effectively alter their troublesome substance use behaviors.

The goal is to increase the client’s drive and resolve to transform in a way compatible with their values.

As a result, rather than forcing or pressuring clients into making specific changes, we “get to know the client from wherever they are and assist them in achieving their goals by identifying and enhancing their readiness to change.

One advantage of MI is that, despite the therapist’s facilitation, persons in recovery create their drive and a strategy for change during multiple sessions. Ultimately, they participate in their treatment which gives them greater control over their treatment path.



Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT helps patients query and consider repeating ideas to eliminate unfavorable and harmful ones.

Plus, CBT can be used to treat a variety of troublesome substance use patterns. Patients getting CBT approaches master ways to identify and change their behaviors.

People benefit from this approach by developing coping mechanisms, recognizing difficult circumstances, knowing how to handle them, and avoiding relapse.

This strategy is advantageous since it can be used with other methods. CBT is also suitable for treating co-occurring physical or mental health conditions, and its abilities are functional far beyond the initial session.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

DBT shows patients how to control their emotions to lessen the self-destructive behaviors that result from solid and overwhelming emotions.

Mindfulness, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and distress tolerance are the four skill sets that DBT emphasizes.

Although DBT can be applied to various substance abuse situations, it primarily targets severe personality disorders like a borderline personality disorder.

DBT assists patients in giving up behaviors that reinforce drug use, helping them avoid situations or chances to relapse, reducing cravings, and learning healthy coping mechanisms.

Matrix Model as a System for Addiction Treatment

Created for treating people with stimulant addictions, the Matrix Model combines several different therapeutic techniques.

Therapists emphasize rewarding positive behaviors and educating patients on self-worth, self-esteem, and dignity.

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)

REBT assists clients in recognizing, challenging, and replacing unhealthy, unhelpful beliefs with more constructive ones.

According to empirical research, this process promotes emotional health and goal achievement. It aids patients in comprehending their thoughts, which enables them to form better habits, think more logically and optimistically, and experience healthier emotions.

The fundamental tenet of REBT is that external circumstances do not cause feelings of happiness or misery; instead, rational thought originates from within.

Final Word

If you’re looking forward to recovering and are wondering what is the best treatment system for addiction, you’ve probably seen the options.

You’ll get the care and attention you deserve during your recovery with options like therapy and detoxification.

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