10 Signs That Your Coffee Addiction is Getting out of Hand

Coffee is widely consumed globally, and it’s the primary source of caffeine. The caffeine contained in coffee acts as a central nervous system stimulant but a weak stimulant. The majority of people have to drink coffee in the morning to start their daily activities.

A person is likely to experience withdrawal symptoms if they suddenly stop using coffee. Caffeine addiction can be controlled through brief education on reducing the amount consumed to prevent withdrawal.   

The following are signs that a person’s body is dependent on coffee;

1. Blood Pressure Drops When You Skip Your Cup of Coffee

The caffeine contained in coffee is a powerful stimulant. When an individual uses it, it increases blood pressure, and when you stop taking it, it brings an opposite effect to the body. 

Dropping the blood pressure might lead to lightheadedness, imbalanced, weakness, or fatigue. If an individual has a history of blood pressure or extreme levels, they are advised to seek a doctor.

2. Body Temperature Fluctuates 

Caffeine in coffee increases the blood flow and heartbeat, leading to an increment in the body temperature; thereby, when an individual misses the daily cup, there is a fluctuation in the temperature. When you change the habit of taking coffee, the temperatures may swing the other way, leading to ups and downs in body temperature. 

When caffeine withdrawal is at the extreme, a person is likely to experience cold sweats; the absence of caffeine in the body results in constriction of the blood vessels. In other cases, a person can be feeling so chilly even when the thermostat remains at the same temperature.

3. You Do Not Sleep Well

Too much dependency on coffee can lead to insomnia, a sleeping disorder, and one may have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep as long as desired. Caffeine in coffee decreases the body’s neurotransmitter levers making sleeping difficult. Too much consumption of coffee results in a lack of sleep, and this is a clear indication that one is already an addict to caffeine.

4. You are Irritable Without It

If you notice that you are grumpier than on other days when you skip your morning coffee, then this is a clear indication that your body depends on caffeine. Our bodies require enough dopamine levels to feel happy, but it can lead to depressive symptoms when you’re low. And if a reduction in caffeine alters your sleeping patterns, the hours lost could make you feel worse.

5. Headaches in The Morning 

When you start experiencing headaches the minute you get out of bed is a clear indication that your body is dependent on coffee. These headaches are often experienced 12 to 24 hours after the last cup of coffee; hence this explains why a morning cup is so enticing after the night’s abstinence. 

When the body is waiting for its daily dose of caffeine, the blood vessels dilate, this irritates the nerve endings, hence triggering pain centres in your brain. During the night, the body is dehydrated because it spends quite some time without any intake of fluids. Therefore, brain tissues lose water which causes blood volume to dip, resulting in a severe headache.

6. Difficulty in Concentrating

 The caffeine in coffee gives your body a boost of adrenaline, which helps an individual stay focused and alert. When a person is used to a cup of coffee and suddenly stops or changes his drinking habits, it will result in poor concentration. If a person is used to caffeine for boosting, they may experience trouble concentrating, brain fog and completing duties without it.

7. Depressed Mood

Caffeine is commonly known for its ability to boost the user’s mood; caffeine has the ability to block adenosine, which increases alertness and boosts mood. When an individual tries to quit or change their drinking habits, the spirit will change until he gets the cup of coffee he has been used to. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant; it makes a person joyful throughout the day. Studies have linked regular caffeine intake to a reduced risk of depression; coffee makes a person feel good and cheerful, but the mood changes as soon as the caffeine fades off. Hence if cutting the usage of coffee affects your mood generally, it shows how addicted you are to caffeine.

8. Fatigue

Coffee contains caffeine stimulant, which boosts the energy levels in the body; caffeine increases the alertness of an individual and hence reduces fatigue by blocking receptors adenosine that makes a person feel drowsy. Coffee enhances athletic performance and reduces chronic fatigue. When an individual with a habit of a cup of coffee stops suddenly, he is likely to experience fatigue.

9. Tremors

Severe dependency on coffee can result in tremors, although it is not a common sign for many people. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that causes feeling jittery and having shaky hands when taken in many quantities. People who have anxiety disorders are advised not to use coffee to prevent worsening feelings of anxiousness. 

10.  Irritability

The caffeine content in the coffee is the reason for feeling irritability; because coffee only lasts four to six hours in the body, symptoms of withdrawal like irritability occur after a night’s rest. When you experience irritability, you are a regular coffee drinker. The coffee drinkers enjoy the mood-enhancing effects of caffeine and the shot of the energy they acquire. During a survey done on 94 caffeine-dependent adults, 89% of the participants showed that even when the dependents opt to quit caffeine, they have been unsuccessful because of the severe withdrawal symptoms, including irritability and anger.

Wrap Up

People develop a dependency on coffee quite quickly.  Although Caffeine consumption also has positive side effects, an excessive amount over some time leads to adverse impacts on your health, social interactions, and other areas of life. Hence, people are required to control their habits regarding caffeine consumption for their stability of health. In cases of much consumption of coffee, you’re required to increase water intake, replace coffee with a caffeine-free drink, and incorporate exercise into your daily routine.

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